Regular Events

Film Night
The last Thursday in every month
is Film Night at St Anne's!
Films start at 7.30pm and
of tea/coffee and cake are
available at the interval
Film Nights are free,
but donations are always welcome!
Jesus Loves Me (JLM) |

The Jesus Loves Me club is for children between
the ages of two and ten
They meet during the morning service on a Sunday.
They learn about Jesus through stories and craft.
At the end of the service the children show their work
to the congregation.
They also use percussion instruments to accompany the music group during the last
hymn of the service.
There is also a crèche area at the back of the worship area.
Mums with very young children are able to use this area yet they can still take
part in the worship.
Quiet Hour

This is a small group of people who meet in
church on a Tuesday evening at 7:30pm.
They mainly pray for
persecuted Christians through out the world
but also
pray for the sick and needy home
and abroad.
More than £200 was raised at our cream tea event and the money will be sent to Mary Sumner House to be used to take victims of the Grenfell Tower disaster on holiday.
Burntwood Chase Benefice Mothers' Union Branch.