In 2016 The Mothers' Union celebrated 140 years since the inception of The Mothers' Union by its founder, Mary Sumner.
Its Vision is of a world where God's love is shown through loving respectful and flourishing relationships.
Its Aim and Purpose is to demonstrate 'Christian Faith in Action' by its transformation of communities worldwide, through the nature of the family in its many forms.
It has over 4 million members throughout the world and The Mothers' Union is firmly rooted in a voluntary ethos.
An affordable annual subscription is paid by members, which goes towards funding work in this country and abroad. Membership is open to both women and men.
The Burntwood Chase Branch meet monthly on the second Tuesday afternoon at 2pm, usually for about 2 hours. The meetings alternate between Burntwood Church, Chasetown Church or Chase Terrace Church.) We begin our meetings with a short, simple service followed by a short talk, discussion or activity and then refreshments.
To know more about becoming a member, please telephone Dorothy - 01543 670869.
On Thursday 9th February 2017, ladies from Burntwood Chase Benefice gathered at 10am for 'Wave of Prayer'. This is a continuous expression of our commitment in prayer to each other, which runs throughout the year and encompasses all the places in which we are represented. Our prayers on this day were particularly for Karnataka in India, Ankole in Uganda, Lagos West in Nigeria and The Diocese of Lichfield.
Wave of Prayer
Thursday 9th February 2017.
Burntwood Chase Benefice Mothers' Union programe for 2018. All meetings are on Tuesdays and begin at 2pm unless otherwise stated:- March 13th Lent and Easter Theme with service and crafts at St Anne's ; April 9th Lady Day Deanery Service ( Monday at 7:00pm) at Christ Church; May 8th Topic to be advised at St John's; June 13th In the Footsteps of Mary Sumner - part 1 at St Anne's; July 10th Meal or Outing - venue to be arranged: August No Meeting this month September 11th Topic to be advised at St John's; October 9th In the Footsteps of Mary Sumner - part 2 at Christ Church; November 13th Topic to be advised at St Anne's; December 12th Christmas Service followed by Tea at Christ Church.
Our April meeting began with Easter worship before we made Easter Buckets. These were an inspiration of Dorothy's and consisted of decorating plastic containers with handles for collecting eggs on an Easter Egg Hunt.
On Wednesday August 9th (Mary Sumner Day), members held a Cream Tea to raise funds to support Mothers’ Union projects both in this country and abroad. A super time was enjoyed by everyone who came to support the afternoons activity and more than £200 was raised.
The Mothers' Union dates for Deanery and other events for 2018:- February 10th Wave of Prayer (12 noon to 12:20) at Christ Church March 15th Deanery Committee Meeting at Whittington at 10am; March 26th Quiet Day at Shallowford from 10am to 3:30pm; April 9th Lady Day Services at Christ Church at 7pm; May 14th Spring Council at Doxey - All are welcome May 22nd Deanery Festival Service at Yoxall at 7pm; July 5th Annual General Meeting at Doxey - evening - All are welcome; September 17th Quiet Day - venue to be arranged; November 10th Autumn Council at Doxey- daytime - All are welcome; December 8th Advent Service at St Michael's, Lichfield at 2pm.